Australian Presbyterian World Mission

Want to go on Mission?

Want to go on Mission?

The Process

Reaching out to Others

Sharing the truth of God's Word, is the task of every Christian. Jesus said to his disciples: "As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you." John 20:21 With the power of the Holy Spirit they were to be his witnesses throughout the world. Some would work close to home, others in distant places. (Acts 1:8)

If you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, you need to know where and how you will do this.

Becoming a missionary is not just an individual decision made in isolation. You need a sense of God's leading (this is what God wants you to do for Him), the support of your Session/church family and others as you go through that process, and especially when you move out into your sphere of work. You will also need training and equipping.

APWM have Three Designations of Missionaries